A Party Ain’t A Party Without Paint!

I have the best times painting with people who don’t mind being their authentic self! The studio is a safe space for you and your guests to do just that! Let your hair down and laugh!!! I mean those deep belly laughs that help you release negativity.

Painting is made easy with pre-stenciled canvases! I paint along and party with you, so feel free to listen and watch me so you can catch a few techniques. I can’t promise that you’ll leave with a masterpiece, but you will most certainly have fun being creative!

This birthday party plus paint was LIT!!!! Everyone was new to the paint and sip thing, but I believe I’ve won them over!

What are you waiting for? Book your party!

Photo credit: Myles Made It

Party Plus Paint Studio

Candace Plus Paint

4090 Dayton- Xenia Rd.


Painting Plus Brunching!